TAS Makefile Example


This is a GNU Makefile which will build an example TAS executable image on SUN. It is expected that programmers and users will be able to compile their own TAS exectable image with minimal alterations of the Makefile.

The master source for this Makefile is $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/Makefile.TAS. At minimum the MID variable needs to be set for the correct .mid file you have.


make tas

Building a TAS executable with this Makefile requires some care of the environment in which it is run.

The Makefile should only be executed in a ../bin directory with subdirectories ../bin/$EOS_ARCH for all architectures of interest. The Makefile will attempt to link TAS using all of the source files (*.F, *.c) found in ../newsrc and ../src, and all libraries found in ../newlib and ../lib. Any necessary "#include" files not found in default locations (eg. $EOSR_CVS/eos/inc) must reside in ../newinc, ../inc, ../newsrc, or ../src for compilation to be successful.

Certain default libraries (eg. for CERN libraries and TAS default libraries), as well as the libraries specified by the contents of the .mid file will be automatically linked with the TAS image. If these libraries are not found in the local (../newlib or ../lib) areas, the default libaries of the $EOSR_CVS/eos/lib directory tree will be used.

The resultant TAS executable image as well as all object files generated will be found in the ../bin/$EOS_ARCH subdirectory.

make all

The make all command simply submits a make tas command to each of the nodes specified by the NODES variable via the rsh command.

make clean

The make clean command will remove many of the files that make tas generates, including object files. The command will also remove detrius from running TAS.

make pristine

The make pristine command simply submits a make clean command to each of the nodes specified by the NODES variable via the rsh command.


Currently, the CERN_LEVEL environment variable is not preserved for the make all command. Hence, make all will build a TAS image linked with the default (ie. pro=92a) CERN libraries.


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