This example shows a sample session of adding a new cvs module. The command sequence to start a new CVS module is

cd $EOSR_CVS/eos
mkdir $PKG
cvs add $PKG
cd $PKG
mkdir bin; mkdir src; mkdir inc; mkdir lib; mkdir doc
cvs add bin src inc lib doc
cd bin
mkdir sun4
cvs add sun4
cd sun4
touch .cvsnoprune
cvs add .cvsnoprune
cd ../..
cd lib
mkdir sun4
cvs add sun4
cd sun4
touch .cvsnoprune
cvs add .cvsnoprune
cd ..
cp $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/Makefile .
# edit Makefile # with your favorite editer and change the first
# line PKG=test to PKG="the name of your code package"
cvs add Makefile
cd ../bin
cp $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/Makefile.TAS Makefile
cvs add Makefile
cp $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/ .
cvs add
cd ../..
cvs commit $PKG
Below is a sample session of executing the above command for a case of $PKG = dlotest. The only thing left out are the editer screens that pop up when CVS wants a comment to associate with an action.

< sseos-eos: 69> cd $EOSR_CVS/eos
< sseos-eos: 70> mkdir $PKG
< sseos-eos: 71> cvs add $PKG
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest added to the repository
< sseos-eos: 72> cd $PKG
< sseos-eos: 73> mkdir bin; mkdir src; mkdir inc; mkdir lib; mkdir doc
< sseos-eos: 74> cvs add bin src inc lib doc
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin added to the repository
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/src to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/src added to the repository
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/inc to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/inc added to the repository
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib added to the repository
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/doc to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/doc added to the repository
< sseos-eos: 75> cd bin
< sseos-eos: 76> mkdir sun4
< sseos-eos: 77> cvs add sun4
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/sun4 to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/sun4 added to the repository
< sseos-eos: 78> cd sun4
< sseos-eos: 79> touch .cvsnoprune
< sseos-eos: 80> cvs add .cvsnoprune
cvs add: scheduling file `.cvsnoprune' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
< sseos-eos: 81> cd ../..
< sseos-eos: 82> cd lib
< sseos-eos: 83> mkdir sun4
< sseos-eos: 84> cvs add sun4
Add directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/sun4 to the repository (y/n) [n] ? y
Directory /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/sun4 added to the repository
< sseos-eos: 85> cd sun4
< sseos-eos: 86> touch .cvsnoprune
< sseos-eos: 87> cvs add .cvsnoprune
cvs add: scheduling file `.cvsnoprune' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
< sseos-eos: 88> cd ..
< sseos-eos: 92> sed "s/PKG=test/PKG=$PKG/" ../../mgr/mak/Makefile >  Makefile
< sseos-eos: 93> cvs add Makefile
cvs add: scheduling file `Makefile' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
< sseos-eos: 94> cd ../bin
< sseos-eos: 95> cp $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/Makefile.TAS Makefile
< sseos-eos: 96> cvs add Makefile
cvs add: scheduling file `Makefile' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
< sseos-eos: 97> cp $EOSR_CVS/eos/mgr/mak/ .
< sseos-eos: 98> cvs add
cvs add: scheduling file `' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
< sseos-eos: 99> cd ../..
< sseos-eos: 100> cvs commit $PKG
cvs commit: Examining dlotest
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/bin
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/bin/sun4
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/doc
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/inc
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/lib
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/lib/sun4
cvs commit: Examining dlotest/src
cvs commit: Committing dlotest/bin
RCS file: /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/Makefile,v
Checking in Makefile;
/home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/Makefile,v  < --  Makefile
initial revision: 1.1
RCS file: /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/,v
Checking in;
/home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/,v  < --
initial revision: 1.1
cvs commit: Committing dlotest/bin/sun4
RCS file: /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/sun4/.cvsnoprune,v
Checking in .cvsnoprune;
/home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/bin/sun4/.cvsnoprune,v  < --  .cvsnoprune
initial revision: 1.1
cvs commit: Committing dlotest/lib
RCS file: /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/Makefile,v
Checking in Makefile;
/home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/Makefile,v  < --  Makefile
initial revision: 1.1
cvs commit: Committing dlotest/lib/sun4
RCS file: /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/sun4/.cvsnoprune,v
Checking in .cvsnoprune;
/home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS/eos/dlotest/lib/sun4/.cvsnoprune,v  < --  .cvsnoprune
initial revision: 1.1
< sseos-eos: 101>