CVS Code Management

CVS is the code management software used for the TAS2 libraries on

The Repository

The CVS Repository for EOS resides in the directory pointed to by the CVSROOT environment variable, defined in login_eos.csh. At present (11/16/94) this is /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/CVSROOT_EOS. You should NEVER directly modify any files under this directory.

The "EOS Library" directories

The directories for the EOS library are located in $EOSR_CVS/eos. Currently (11/16/94) EOSR_CVS is /home/sseos/u3/eostpc/eos_lib. This area serves roughly the same purpose as the CMS reference directories on VMS (eosr:[*]) and the VMS object library directory (eosl).

A checked out version of the modules in the Repository are located under $EOSR_CVS/eos. These CVS modules each for a package of code that gets compiled into an object library. These modules also correspond to the "Table Libraries" referenced in the tas2_menu forms.

In addition to the code modules checked out under $EOSR_CVS/eos, there are some additional directories. These are:

the "installed" directory for include files
the "installed" directory for .mid files
the "installed" directory for object libraries for the SUN4 binary architecture
the "installed" directory for executable programs for the SUN4 binary architecture
the "installed" directory for object libraries for the SUN4 Solaris 2 binary architecture
the "installed" directory for executable programs for the SUN4 Solaris 2 binary architecture


Packages of code are stored in the Repository as modules. Each module has a name which is used in CVS commands. This name is also the directory name created when you check out a module form the Repository.

The directory structure for packages of code (PKG) are

documentation files
include files (*.inc, *.h)
source files (*.F, *.mid)
directory for compiling object library (make lib)
SUN4 binary object files
SUN4 Solaris 2 binary object files
directory for building executable (make tas)
SUN4 binary executable file
SUN4 Solaris 2 binary executable file


How do I know if a directory is "managed" by CVS?
Any directory containing another directory called "CVS" is under CVS control and cvs commands from that directory can modify the Repository.
How do I know if a file is managed by cvs?
Use the command "cvs status file_name" to see what cvs thinks of a file called file_name.

Last modification: 8-March-1995

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